func runtime.toRType

36 uses

	runtime (current package)
		alg.go#L109: 		panic(errorString("hash of unhashable type " + toRType(t).string()))
		alg.go#L126: 		panic(errorString("hash of unhashable type " + toRType(t).string()))
		alg.go#L192: 		panic(errorString("hash of unhashable type " + toRType(t).string()))
		alg.go#L250: 		panic(errorString("comparing uncomparable type " + toRType(t).string()))
		alg.go#L267: 		panic(errorString("comparing uncomparable type " + toRType(t).string()))
		error.go#L33: 		inter = toRType(e._interface).string()
		error.go#L35: 	as := toRType(e.asserted).string()
		error.go#L39: 	cs := toRType(e.concrete).string()
		error.go#L44: 			if toRType(e.concrete).pkgpath() != toRType(e.asserted).pkgpath() {
		error.go#L259: 	typestring := toRType(eface._type).string()
		heapdump.go#L197: 	rt := toRType(t)
		iface.go#L44: 		name := toRType(&inter.Type).nameOff(inter.Methods[0].Name)
		iface.go#L210: 		itype := toRType(&inter.Type).typeOff(i.Typ)
		iface.go#L211: 		name := toRType(&inter.Type).nameOff(i.Name)
		iface.go#L219: 			rtyp := toRType(typ)
		mbitmap.go#L693: 		println("runtime: typeBitsBulkBarrier with type ", toRType(typ).string(), " of size ", typ.Size_, " but memory size", size)
		mbitmap.go#L697: 		println("runtime: typeBitsBulkBarrier with type ", toRType(typ).string(), " with GC prog")
		mfinal.go#L400: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is " + toRType(etyp).string() + ", not pointer")
		mfinal.go#L441: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: second argument is " + toRType(ftyp).string() + ", not a function")
		mfinal.go#L445: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass " + toRType(etyp).string() + " to finalizer " + toRType(ftyp).string() + " because dotdotdot")
		mfinal.go#L448: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass " + toRType(etyp).string() + " to finalizer " + toRType(ftyp).string())
		mfinal.go#L471: 	throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass " + toRType(etyp).string() + " to finalizer " + toRType(ftyp).string())
		mprof.go#L1233: 		print("tracealloc(", p, ", ", hex(size), ", ", toRType(typ).string(), ")\n")
		panic.go#L576: 			throw(text + ": type " + toRType(efaceOf(&r)._type).string())
		pinner.go#L113: 		panic(errorString("runtime.Pinner: argument is not a pointer: " + toRType(etyp).string()))
		plugin.go#L82: 		t := toRType((*_type)(unsafe.Pointer(md.types))).typeOff(ptab.typ) // TODO can this stack of conversions be simpler?
		runtime1.go#L611: 	return unsafe.Pointer(toRType((*_type)(rtype)).typeOff(typeOff(off)))
		runtime1.go#L618: 	return toRType((*_type)(rtype)).textOff(textOff(off))
		runtime1.go#L633: 	return unsafe.Pointer(toRType((*_type)(rtype)).typeOff(typeOff(off)))
		type.go#L311: func toRType(t *abi.Type) rtype {
		type.go#L345: 	rt, rv := toRType(t), toRType(v)